Panamarenko Universum

On view at M HKA, Antwerpen, until the end of February 2015, is an immense exhibition showing the ‘local’ artist Panamarenko (b.1940).

Panamarenko Universum, exhibition view. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko Universum, exhibition view. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko has long since been concidered to be a key artist to the city of Antwerpen, loved by the inhabitants. With both the exhibition and the renovation and refurbishment of Panamarenko’s studio on Biekorfstraat, this endeavour is the most ambitious project of the M HKA in the past decade.

A ‘strange fellow’ with magical sculptures has long been the common perception of Panamarenko, as he might be seen as something between a visual artist and an inventor. Until now, not much effort has been done before in terms of delving into this artist’ ouevre.

The aim of this retrospective is not to bring together as many works as possible, but instead show them in a ”inter-connective context” that may be able to map the ouevre.

Panamarenko is an artist seemingly obsessed with how to make man fly and able to live underseas, and it is an intriguing experience to walk among his many devices and machines at the M HKA.

Panamarenko Universum, exhibition view. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko Universum, exhibition view. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko Universum, exhibition view. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko Universum, exhibition view. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko Universum, exhibition view. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko Universum, exhibition view. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko, Pahama, Spitsbergen, Nova Zemblaya, 1996.  Courtesy Collection Fondation Cartier, Paris. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko, Pahama, Spitsbergen, Nova Zemblaya, 1996. Courtesy Collection Fondation Cartier, Paris. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko, Portable Air Transport I, 1969. Courtesy Galerie Jamar

Panamarenko, Portable Air Transport I, 1969. Courtesy Galerie Jamar

Panamarenko Universum, exhibition view. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko Universum, exhibition view. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko Universum, exhibition view. Photo: M HKA

Panamarenko Universum, exhibition view. Photo: M HKA

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